Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dreaming Wide Awake

I almost didnt post this one, having days from hell ...the things we put up with! Toxic environments make you sick...

The past month "women's month" has been about Awareness for me, what happens arounds us affects us, both our internal and external environment. I tried to seek a less existential (loosely used) focus and decided that by looking at those around me I could better understand my own place in the scheme of things, the space I inhabit..still trying..

The title of this entry is a simple yet powerful one for dissolves the angst I feel about where I am presently. By Lizz Wright, suttle and powerful Jazz vocalist and composer, simply put "silent power"..The lyrics to the song go something like;

My eyes burn,
I have seen the glory of a brighter sun,
My heart aches,
It has felt the peace of perfect Love,
My mind fails,
As I try to recall the bliss of a glorious day
When I was sleeping,eyes wide open,
Dreaming wide awake

Who are you stranger?
To come here, and answer all my prayers?
Where are you from,angel?
You saved my life and dissappeared
How do I find you?
Will you come when I need you?
Oh,how I'd love,
I'd love to be sleeping, eyes wide open
Dreaming wide awake..

Ah Lizz..she connects me to the peace I have tasted while dreaming, that I know is possible..

I started fasting every Thursday (during August), and thanks to a good friend I never forgot... The first was a challenge as I've had quite an active relationship with food was for Equal Education, then Domestic Violence, the Sexual liberation of women through knowledge, freedom and expression, Single parenthood and Pride. There was a lot to digest and as the weeks progressed the nature of the fasts followed suit, largely due to my recurring headaches, from 6pm till 6pm the next day then till 6am.These fasts were my part in social activism, they were not meant to be religious or highly restrictive but definitely were meditative..

Where do I start..Education..formal or informal,it takes you places.  I am where I am partly because of its influence in my life and I hope that my daughter has access to the best as well. Having been to a village in Lesotho recently,its hard to see how far the scales are tipped,even in our own backyards its the same. Children Lesedi's age and older playing mothers to younger siblings,in need of the barest neccessities. The only way to eradicate this is to start small. Let's be a light to those we come across and those closest to us,hence the collection drive for books and stationary..get in touch with me if you'd like to contribute (

I love women. I love myself hence the next fasts' theme came up and it being women's month also had a great impact. Tightly put, Domestic violence is not only a sign of weekness, it is strengthened by silence. Please encourage those around you who may be emotionally,physically and mentally affected to break the silence.Real love is possible.

Sexual liberation was the  theme that followed ; for both genders but mainly women. This is possible through a positive self image...reminds me of a poem i wrote years back (not too long)  after giving birth,where I had to own each and every stretch mark and my breastfeeding boobies. It's important to know ourselves, to touch ourselves (some are know who you are) and to express that beauty,that is embodied in who we are, our taste, our scent,our warmth. Thanks Fifi and your team for "The Vagina Monologues", it's definitely a play more men and women need to see atleast once. You are beautiful women, round,curvaceous and otherwise!

I rounded up my month of awareness (so much more happened) by celebrating Single parents and the magic they weave daily and Pride, for men and women whose existence makes life interesting and showcases the different textures that we are. I'm a sucker for brave people and this includes all self-starters,entrepreneurs, name them. One thing that hiking up the Tugela falls taught me ( is that it's a question of mind over matter...never give up, there'll always be someone to catch your fall.

Even thought times I climb my own personal Tugela, I will continue to embrace the beauty of life and push myself to remember to continue to Dream Wide Awake because the glory of a brighter sun shall be mine..


Its Yours!

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