Saturday, April 16, 2011


So it’s alright for women to remain stains on your pillow,
To remain secrets from true loves,
To remain whispers in moments of passion,
Thoughts in ill equipped moments,
Is it?

So you want to be his pee hole when she’s not looking,
Stolen kisses in between lies,
Bad F*cks in secret locations?
Bad judgments induced by alcohol?

When will the fuckery end?
When will the truth be more visible in the mist of the car windows?
The height of hormones,
The suggestive nature of flirtations with married man, committed men/women?
When will we stop inducing pain in each other?
With each other?

Fuck Off!
I want no piece of the masquerade,
I want no room in your sandcastle,
I don’t need the fleeting warmth of your thighs, your chest!
I said Fuck Off with your fake ass reality,
With your disturbed frequency,
If you are not willing,
If you are not able,
If you are not it,
Then GO!

© SmaUniverse

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Winds Of Change

We are part of an unending cycle of change, and I feel it becomes more about our substance than what or whom we know. At the end of the day what will count is what kind of friend, daughter, mother, lover you were. It is quiet seldom that human nature changes but the decisions we make alter us.
What do you really want? And even if it's a lot of things, especially if you are me, you worry about the significance of your impact. I walk around probing and at times I don't come up with anything adequate to share and so In, it stays stewing in the recesses of my mind.
I value courage and bravery, after all what is left when we face our own fickleness.
I've been undergoing a lot of change lately related to relationships, friendships, work, career; value systems..I might be rambling and drowning in all the lessons. One thing I know is even if it's for a moment filled with ecstacy, joy, a thought, needed frustration, maybe change is not so bad after all. It is hard but not bad.


It's Yours.