Friday, September 23, 2011

Declarations of  Love

I've spent time thinking about the above topic. The big leaps of faith that we take in order to express this infinite verb called Love. Personally, it has come in different ways and from unexpected places some not too obvious. And yes, I am talking about the typical boy loves girl scenario but there's so much more to declaring love. It's in what we say and do for each other as friends, family and lovers. Lovers of each other. The lessons I keep learning in my relations with all the significant people in my life is that honesty, loyalty and courage are important traits. They can never be taken lightly as they cushion you in moments of light or despair. You need to surround yourself with lovers, people who in their own unique ways are committed to your presence in their lives and vice-versa. I've come to know great joy in the display of love from my family and friends, acts that have left me graceful, grateful and humbled. The crazy thing is when you are in the dark you never think of the light or imagine it possible. I'm testimony that it is. I am also learning to also be steadfast in my convictions but most importantly to be loyal, courageous and honest with myself especially because things change but the essence of who we are remains the same. I pray and hope that I never stop declaring my love for others and where I fail I learn to with sincerity, it may be awkward but we must learn to challenge ourselves. I may falter but the learning is in the process, pain and all. I am still learning but for now this is me declaring my thoughts. If you are not happy make the necessary steps to be, for we deserve nothing less especially Love in all its different faces.

It's Yours