Monday, October 11, 2010

The Fruits of My Thoughts

My mind has been revolving around the beauty of women, their depth of love and their endurance of suffering. My thoughts are not simply influenced by bias, as evidently I happen to be a Woman myself. Or maybe they are, lol..but either way I choose to speak to a reflection that mirrors mine daily.
I started thinking about myself and how much i've grown over the years and had a thought about the texture of an evolving woman and how sweet it is as she comes into her own. I'm hoping to finish a poem, already in progress, reflecting this.
A friend said the most amazing statement at one of our scholarship gatherings a while back, He exclaimed, "women exist to be desired". Although a bit shocked, I kept contemplating the validity of this statement, which I infact happen to fully agree with.
Not only as sexual beings are we desirable but in our care, comfort and human nature.
There is nothing wrong for being desired because you have perfectly sculptured 'boobs' or an amazingly round 'ass' but I think everything in our nature is meant 'to draw you in', to steal a line from one of my favourite movies, every crevice holds magic. I agree to the full extent about women's desirability and beauty and I believe we deserve to nurture and care for ourselves by making choices that reflect our 'Awesomeness'.

I've also been thinking about the 'New Woman' and as much as the 'New Modern Man' exists so does she. Who are we know? We are financially independent, we are emotionally intelligent, we have active work and social lives and we have a handle on what we want and who we are sexually. I'd like to believe that most of us do even though I'm aware that many still fall behind or rather, are still catching up.
Can the 'New Women' really handle paying her own way all the time? certain markers of provsion are still a must for both men and women, such as paying the food bill, letting him change your tyre etc...
 But what is really 'new' about the 'New Woman'?
She seems to have everything 'new' but her needs are still largely traditional.
Who are you if you provide or are provided for?
I honestly have so much I still have to think about regarding this topic, especially as a feminist who doesnt quite buy into the 50-50 rule..
Okay to be reviewed again...


Found an interesting article in the October 2010 Edition of True Love Magazine. Mmatshilo Motsei (page 28) discusses the younger man and older women saga but I found these points quite potent:
  • The idea of man needing to tower over a woman is based on a traditional predatory archetype in human evolution. This archetype connotes an imbalance of power that translates into domination and submission.
  • Men usually serve the role of protector and provider while women serve a role of perpetuation of the species..
  • The fact that intimate human relations still operate under the dominator model reflects a prevailing form of survival through conquest as opposed to reciprocity
  • We need to re-imagine love and take sex out of a mechanistic and materialistic body in order to sustain fulfilling sex
I must still chew over these thoughts...

Two things that have definitely left a mark on me recently have been Love and Death.
I marvel at how I have chosen to love myself and others...much of it is still under construction but I've decided that loving more is definitely the key. There may be complications in how we love certain people but if love is the foundation,we will definitely always find our way back.

And for Death? no one really wants to talk about it actually..*chuckles , let alone think about it. It's still a scary concept, which makes you think about the value of life..
I definitely miss my paternal grandmother, my aunt who i hadn't seen in years and many others who have touched my life.. In celebrating them, my ancestors, we live each day with vigour, fight through the downs and relish the NOW, as tommorow doesn't really exist!


Its Yours!