Sunday, January 13, 2013

The things we learn as we grow...(older, wiser and more open)

1. You can never master the words of comfort when it comes to loss or one really knows what to say when the ones around us lose a job, a friend, a loved one or that feeling of security when they have been robbed.
2. You never stop longing for that part of your childhood when you felt safe, free or truly loved despite the bouts of tears you shed or the number of times you remember falling.
3. You never really forget how certain food seem to have lost that special flavour and you keep fighting to feel  that taste again.
4. Sadly not all friendships have a happy ever after and some exist on different levels and with time you learn to live peacefully with this truth and begin to distinguish between those who are in the roots or branch category of your life.
5. You will probably never be more blessed than with the family you have and the politics you share. Not everyone is meant to be part of a TV based nuclear family that seems to be without issues or challenges. You also learn that there are friends who you can truly add to your list of family members because that's how sincere the connection and sharing is.
6. You also learn that at some point in your life things will stop just easily falling into place and that working hard will be the best thing you ever do for yourself and the best legacy for your children.
7. You also learn that even though you will meet a few princes and princesses in your life certain experiences can never be duplicated and there will possibly ever be one special being who you will never cease to love and you will inexplicably never give up on.
8. You will also learn that sometimes being a young, single parent reality will move from once being a dark and feared concept to being a truly privileged place of growth and learning. You will see yourself, your family and the human will as an extraordinary blessing coupled with responsibility.
9. You will never forget the warmth of your Grandmother's hands.
10. You will make peace with the idea that you are not invincible and your best bet is to remain humble,   be honest with your strengths and weaknesses and know that we are all equally different with our own journeys so keep your standard of success, happiness and achievement.

It's Yours,

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