Okay,its official, I've gone mad!
I'm beginning to see stars where there are none, maybe its my stress medication,
I'm beginning to fall in love all over again with nothing, no one and everything and everyone at the same time..
Parental stress disorder is an interesting concept,
dealing with my dual citizenship,
dealing with a work environment that is harmful, although has serious consequences for my work ethic, it holds deep and life changing lessons..
And 'Wow'..the beauty that is life,
is present in my endless walks around the city,
my age old clothing that gives me Joy,
my ambitions,
my aspirations...
I'm mad with Love,
mad to Love..
Okay i need to stop now,
But do me a favour,reconcile yourself with your madness,especially if you didn't know it exists in all of us,
Enjoy talking to yourself,
Speak your fears and insecurities aloud,
Its the only way to be comfortable and totally at peace with who you are,
Face it! WE ARE ALL MAD IN OUR OWN WAY...lol..
Its yours.
i know you are mad bt i just dont know about the stress medication bit rather meditate ...but i wish to fall in love with anything and everything... stay M.A.D